Meet the team behind Restore Prehab.
We know what it’s like to live with chronic pain.
That’s why we take our clients’ progress personally, and why we’re so deeply invested in their success. Friendly and passionate, our team tailors each solution to suit each individual client. So we can help them move the way they were made to.

Our Team

Certified Fascial Stretch Level 3 Medical Specialist
Functional Range Conditioning® mobility specialist – FRC(ms)
Certified Kinstretch® Instructor
Advanced Sports Science Cert.
Functional Movement Screen Level 2 Practitioner IASTM Cert.
FMT Performance Kinesiology Taping Cert.
Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWorks® Practitioner

Certified Fascial Stretch Level 3 Medical Specialist
Functional Range Release® – Spine Specialist
Functional Range Conditioning® mobility specialist – FRC(ms)
Certified Kinstretch® Instructor
Certified Remedial & Therapeutic Stretch Specialist
Cert. Strength & Conditioning Coach / Personal Trainer
Functional Movement Screen Level 2 Practitioner
Deep Tissue & Sports Massage Therapist inc. Foot Mobilisation
FMT Performance Kinesiology Taping Cert.
Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWorks® Practitioner

BSc (Hons) Ost Med
PhD (Musculoskeletal Medicine)
Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Musculoskeletal Medicine
- Pain Management
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.
- Diagnosis & treatment of acute musculoskeletal pain and injury (new symptoms or the reoccurrence of old ones). Early evidence-based intervention being important to prevent long term pain and disability.
- Diagnosis & management of chronic pain and injury (pain that has persisted longer than 3 months). Chronic pain is not just acute pain that persists, and does not respond to the usual care for acute pain. This may include chronic post injury or surgical pain, chronic primary pain where no signal incident created it, as well as pain that arises from altogether different causes including physical and emotional trauma, personally meaningful negative life experience, post concussion syndrome or PTSD.

Yahtzee is originally from the Westcoast, joining Restore as the Chief Happiness Officer. As a Therapy Dog in training she will be tasked with providing the therapy most humans desire from our 4 legged best friends. Yahtzee is trained to SIT and wait for people to come to her so she asks for people to please wait for her to sit before they approach to say hi and indulge in all her good happy vibes. As she is young and in training, if she forgets her manners due to excitment please either; ignore her or make her sit before saying hi. She is a treat fiend, a huge people pleaser and will be your best friend if you give her a belly rub, but also knows when it is enough and will walk away to leave you be, especially if she is ignored. Yahtzee tries to understand not everyone is a dog lover or may have an allergy, if this applies to you, please let Barry or Liv know and they will be able to help Yahtzee give you the space you require. Ask us her Origin story, its a DOOZY!